images beyond imagination
Good image-making is really the art of visual storytelling. A successful image makes a concise, precise statement. A story is told in an instant, in a way the viewer is unable to resist. The viewer wants to interact; the experience is engaging, and therefore effective. Every time you have the opportunity to use an image to represent you or your business, it makes sense to use an effective one.
I have the ability to find the story in the things I photograph. Though I'm capable of traditional imagery, my first love is conceptual images, what I call a "Signature" portrait; they have a powerful storytelling effect, and they've proven to be emotionally beneficial to my clients as well. By hearing your story, I can reflect what you want to see in yourself.

signature portrait
Who are you, really? Who is it that lives inside you, maybe huddled, maybe just under the surface, but most likely unknown to the rest of the world? We all have someone. Someone who is who we would be if only the world would accept us, if only we could defy the laws of reality, if only we were more or less of this or that... if only...
classic equine portrait session
There is something about the presence of a horse that speaks of the ethereal. There are many everyday moments we spend with our horses that don't feel like anything larger than what they are: minutes of the day. However, those that spend these minutes with a horse know there is a pervasive power, subtle and intangible, that transcends the mundane, and gives the horse a quality of deity, and the time spent with them a time of worship.
Sales images are "representational" images. They are very straightforward, simple, and you instantly understand what you're looking at. They are used to show the basic characteristics of the horse and their training.
about the process
Before your photo session, we'll talk and you can tell me all about your horse. It doesn't matter if all you know is that you want a session, but don't have any idea or hadn't thought about what you'd like to do with the images. This is where we figure that out.
let's make a connection!
Heather K. McManamy
Brooklyn, WI
I strongly prefer to talk via email, text, or in person. Or, you can find me on Facebook. I use my phone as everything but a phone! :)