Signature portrait
There's Always a Choice
We waded through the flowers in the dusky cool of the coming dark. We spoke no words as we cautiously made our way, and my mind wandered, lost in the songs of the evening birds and the swishing of our movement through the waist-deep flora on the edge of the woods.
Start before you're ready
"This is never going to work." I waited. "See? Nothing. I have no idea how to do this and I'm not even ready to try."
Act II begins: within every problem lies the solution
Everyone has moments of transformation. Part of the magic of those moments is their seeming spontaneity. Though the groundwork for them is often laid well ahead of time, the path is not always obvious in the moment.
Act I
In the middle of every story, after the first act, the stage has to go dark. The audience is usually left with a dilemma or problem of some sort, and this interstitial moment between the first and second acts gives them time to speculate on how, or if, it might be solved. They may walk away for refreshment wondering if they even want to know. However, if the story, and the problem, are enough of a compulsion, the audience finds their seats after the intermission to soak in the rest of the story and be rewarded with a resolution.

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