Horse/human entity
The inception
Siri and I, tacking up at liberty. Special guest appearance by Carmen the Surrogate Dog. Maybe not the grandest of accomplishments in the scale of such things, but six months ago this wasn't really an option - she would emphatically decline to be saddled loose. This was also the unintentional official start of our year-long quest for non-lethal bridleless work outside the arena at all gaits (I accidentally said it publicly, so now it has to be a thing).
So, a little over two years ago, in September, I pre-ordered a SOLOSHOT 3 robot camera. They were supposed to be ready the following March, but the hopes and dreams of the creators were met with stodgy ol' reality, and no one got their camera until this past November. While there are still some bugs to be worked out on both the creator and user ends, my little robot camera friend is amusing as well as educational.
Start before you're ready
"This is never going to work." I waited. "See? Nothing. I have no idea how to do this and I'm not even ready to try."
Showing Up With An Idea
I've been discouraged with riding for a few weeks following one really spectacular ride, after which I've had less-than-ideal rides. The last two days, I haven't really wanted to try to push my way through another ride. However, I also know that if I don't change things, things won't change. So, I decided to just show up, even if I ended up half-assing the ride.

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