Well, it looks like I'm well on my way to Haiti! Yesterday I got my various immunizations and prescriptions (bring it on, Malaria!), and a sucker from the travel nurse's assistant for being a good girl. :) I also applied for an expedited passport (holy cows, those things are expensive!).
The fund-raising is going well, with just over $1000 raised by 19 people in 10 days. This is amazing! I've said before that I have been struggling with this, but I had a lovely conversation with someone who advised that accepting the help was really the best way to honor this experience. I had another lovely conversation with someone else who pointed out that donating to the fund is a way in which people who aren't able to physically make the trip can still be supportive and contribute. I thought that was an interesting way to look at it. I still need to ask for more as some of the expenses have actually gone up due to the cost of gas and airfare. So, if you have donated, thank you - from the bottom of my bursting heart! If you haven't and you'd like to, please consider doing it today (you can do it here); the funds are coming due by the end of the week, and this is the last big piece of the puzzle.
The next piece is learning Haitian Creole. This is harder than it seems - I already know just enough French to look like a stupid American in France, but Haitian Creole, while comprised largely of French, is juuuuuust different enough to be difficult. Luckily, there's an app for that. :)
After that, I'll be trying to figure out how to cram all my equipment into one carry-on, as well as massive amounts of storage for all the images and video. I plan to take only a few key pieces in an effort to stay lightweight. However, not having much experience traveling with my stuff on a plane (it's usually my car that's crammed with my "studio"), this could be a challenge. I have a small 4x6 printer I'd like to take with me to make prints for the local folks in case they'd like them. I need a backup camera body. Probably backup lenses. Probably a flash, just in case. This list goes on...
So much to learn!